Members of the African Diaspora Communities are cordially invited to attend the 2016 Global Health Catalyst (GHC) Summit at Harvard Medical School Boston April 29-30, 2016.
Africa is on the rise, and public health is the anchor of economic health and individual well being, in Africa and elsewhere. The objective of the 2016 Harvard summit is to provide a forum for discussion, development and adoption of tangible actions that can be taken as well as innovative approaches to catalyze high impact international collaborations with African institutions in healthcare and development. The focus will be on cancer prevention and control and the achievement of universal health coverage benefiting African communities. This will continue in the tradition of the highly successful 2015 summit (see and advance discussions, win-win partnership building and other actions that will have a sustained and measurable impact, save lives, promote African development.
Overall, participants at all levels will include: leaders from African Institutions, Diaspora organizations, global health leaders, representatives of leading international health agencies (e.g. the World Health Organization), as well as global leaders of industry, policy makers, and other strategic partners.
5 Reasons Why Africans in Diaspora or Representatives from Diaspora Organizations are Particularly Encouraged to Attend:
1. Harambee: “Harambee" means "Let's pull together" in Swahili. A major feature of the 2016 Harvard summit will be Africans in Diaspora pulling together to discuss an innovative Harambee Universal Health Coverage (UHC) scheme which emerged during the 2015 summit and which could save the lives of loved ones in sending African communities. We envision African families accessing world-class quality healthcare services including telemedicine from abroad, avoiding the pressure, cost, and challenges associated with transporting loved ones abroad for treatment.
2. #EliminateCancer: The recent World Health Organization (WHO) Cancer Report describes the growing global burden of cancer as alarming, a major obstacle to human development and well being, with a rising annual economic cost of ca. US$ 1.16 trillion. In particular, the report highlights major global cancer disparities, with over 60% of 14 million new cases and 70% of 8.2 million deaths per year occurring in low and middle-income countries (LMIC), like those in Africa. One third of cancer deaths can be prevented and cancer awareness/education is crucial in achieving cancer prevention and overcoming cultural barriers to cancer control efforts. Africans in Diaspora can circulate cancer awareness/education information in their diaspora and sending communities while contributing ideas/support towards eliminating cancer and cancer disparities. The Harvard summit will provide a forum for discussion, and partnership building for this effort.
3. Networking: Meet diaspora leaders and world-renowned leaders in healthcare, industry and policy makers
4. Partnership building: There is an African saying that “One hand cannot tie a bundle”. Diaspora groups can send their representatives to build mutually beneficial partnerships with other diaspora groups benefiting their communities.
5. Visibility and impact: Diaspora leaders may present work they are doing to benefit their diaspora organizations and their sending community with opportunities to receive support/recognition to enhance the impact of their work.
Nominate your organization/group/business or others that are having a significant impact on African communities in Africa and/or African Diaspora communities. To nominate an African in Diaspora representative please complete the nomination form below and submit to by Jan 30, 2016. Self-Nominations are permitted. Up to 100 representatives from nominated diaspora groups will receive free registration, awards dinner ticket, and other benefits related to the summit.
Africans in Diaspora (AID) United Nomination Form
All selected organizations/groups/businesses will be in the running for the GHC AiD Impact Award to be presented at the Awards Dinner for outstanding work that benefits Africans and/or Africans in Diaspora in their area of operation (must not be cancer related). In addition all selected AiD organizations/groups/businesses will:
- Receive one free registration for a representative to attend the 2016 GHC Summit at Harvard Medical School including the GHC Awards Dinner
- Be listed among the Top 100 Harvard GHC Impact Africa Outreach Partners
- Make organization/ group/business information available to all summit participants
- Network with leading professionals in cancer care, research and education as well as leaders in business, philanthropy, and diplomacy
- Participate in AiD United forum, a unique opportunity to provide input on ways the communities you represent could benefit from GHC initiatives
- Gain access to the latest GHC information on cancer care, research and education including services, publications, funding opportunities for dissemination to members of partner organizations/groups/businesses
To nominate an AiD representative complete the form below and submit to by Jan 30, 2016
Name of Nominator:
Name and Role of Proposed Representative:
Name of Organization/Group/Business:
Contact Information:
Address / Location:
Target Population:
Website / Social Media:
In 150 Words or less, highlight a recent or current initiative by the nominated organization/group/business with an emphasis on its positive impact on development for Africans on the continent or the Diaspora. (Please note that this is not limited to cancer or healthcare, all areas of work will be considered).
Contact us for more info @
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